Registration information


  • 建议与十大正规赌博平台大全排行学术顾问会面,审查十大正规赌博平台大全排行学位评估和日程安排选择. Some classes may not be offered every semester.
  • 有些课程有先决条件,必须成功完成才能参加课程. 只要学生在注册时符合先决条件,就可以有条件地注册这些课程. 如果学生未达到先决条件,学校保留自动将其从课程中除名的权利. Pre-requisites are listed in the course syllabus and in the Academic Catalog.
  • 12 credits is considered full-time status for traditional undergraduate students. 计划在四年内毕业的学生在秋季和春季学期平均需要15到18个学分, or may take credits during the summer semester.
  • Per the undergraduate catalog, 18 credits is the maximum load you may carry. 学生 enrolling in more than 18 credits will be charged an overload 学费 fee.

What if there's a hold on your account?

新生和归国学生必须清除因未支付学费而留下的学生记录, incomplete 金融援助 paperwork, incomplete health information, 失踪的成绩单, 或者违章停车. 学生 with holds will not be permitted to move into student housing, make changes to class schedules, or register for coursework. Holds may be placed on your account at any time, so check periodically for holds.

Steps to check and clear holds:
  1. 登录到 学生门户
  2. Click on Banner Self-Service
  3. 点击学生
  4. 点击学生 Records
  5. 点击“视图保持”

收银员的办公室: 734-995-7586
注册处: 734-995-7413
Student Services Center

If a hold remains on your account when you arrive on campus, 在搬进学生宿舍或上课之前,计划拜访负责hold的办公室.


学生 will register for classes using the 学生门户. 建议并鼓励所有学生在注册前与他们的学术顾问预约,以审查时间表.


学生 may make schedule changes up to the end of the ‘Add’ deadline for courses.

课程长度 添加截止日期
12到16周 学生 may add a course up to the end of the 2nd week; however, 如果学生想在第二周增加一门课,必须向教务处或学生的学术顾问提供导师批准.
6 - 8周 学生 may add a course up to the end of the 1st week. Instructor approval is not required.
< 6周 学生 must be registered prior to the class start date. Once the course begins, enrollment is no longer available.

Academic Advisors may assist with scheduling changes during the ‘Add’ period of courses. 在“添加”期之后,所有的时间表更改必须通过注册办公室完成.

下降/退出政策 & 最后期限


“退课”是指学生在参加或参加课程之前更改注册. “退课”是指学生在开始上课或参加课程后更改注册.

Depending on the course delivery, attendance is defined as seated time in the class (face-to-face courses), a gradable assignment submission (online courses), and/or time present for live video conferencing with the instructor (virtual courses).

Student-initiated withdraw from a course

After starting to participate in a class, 学生可以在学期的退课截止日期前申请退课(见下表)。. 学生不应认为学校会因不交学费或不出勤而将其退学. 在退课的情况下,学生的成绩单将反映该课程的退课(“W”). The ‘W’ is not a grade and will not affect the student’s overall GPA. 在退课截止日期后参加课程的学生没有资格退课,并将以最终成绩进行评估.

课程长度 Deadline to receive a ‘W'
16周 第十周结束
12周 第八周结束
8周 第五周结束
6周 第四周结束
4周 第三周结束
3周 第二周结束

注意: The timing of when a student withdraws has both academic and financial implications. 退课的学生不得在同一学期或同一学期重新注册同一课程. 学生应该在进行更改之前与他们的学术顾问和经济援助顾问会面,因为退出课程可能会对学生身份产生影响, 金融援助 eligibility, 运动员的资格, 或者程序进度. 请参阅 学费 & 费用页面 有关退出一门课程的潜在学术和财务影响的详细信息.

Visit the 注册商’s Office for assistance withdrawing from courses.

Instructor-initiated withdraw from a course


  • Failure to begin the course in the allotted time frame
  • Failure to comply with attendance policies (i.e. 过度的缺席)
  • Disciplinary reasons (i.e. 学术欺骗)

因未开课或旷课过多而经行政处分退课的学生,不得在同一学期或同一学期内重新报读同一课程. 学生对可能导致的任何学术、经济或运动后果负责. 请参阅 学费 & 费用 有关被行政撤销课程的潜在学术和财务影响的详细信息.


Registration 最后期限 are strictly enforced. It is a Concordia policy that students may not petition because of missed 最后期限. Please check the academic calendar for add/withdraw 最后期限. If you are unable to make schedule changes on your own, please contact the 注册商’s Office for any necessary forms.

撤军 from the university

希望停止课程学习并完全退出学校的学生必须在进行更改之前通知他们的学术顾问和经济援助顾问,因为退出学校可能会影响学生身份, 金融援助, and future 运动员的资格 或者程序进度.

If active in coursework at the time of the withdraw, 该学生将被取消所有课程,最后出勤日期将用于确定课程成绩和大学学费退款政策下的经济责任. Prior to a withdraw being fully processed, any outstanding balance must be paid in full. Should a student wish to return to his/her program at a later time, he/she must reapply for University admission.

学生 who are inactive from coursework for two consecutive semesters, and who have not notified the University of their intention to take a stop out, will be withdrawn from the University for inactivity. 如果学生希望恢复课程,他们将被要求重新向大学申请.


严重受伤/生病的学生,由于医疗需要而不能继续学习课程,可能有资格申请医疗休学. 学生必须联系他们的学术顾问要求退学,并讨论减轻的情况. 医学证明必须在学生被通知退学后30天内提供. Medical documentation will be reviewed by the 学术办公室.

If a medical withdrawal is authorized, 根据学校的学费退款政策,最后出勤日期将用于确定财务责任. The student will receive a “W” in all active courses. If a medical withdrawal is not authorized, 学费, 食宿责任和课程成绩将按照大学的学费退还政策执行. Prior to returning following a medical withdrawal, students must reapply to the University and complete a Health and Wellness Meeting. 在康考迪亚注册期间,学生不得被授权进行一次以上的医疗退学.

Temporary stop out from the university

学生 who wish to temporarily cease coursework, but plan to register in the future, may request a temporary stop out for up to two semesters after the conclusion of a term. 学生必须联系他们的学术顾问和财政援助顾问之前,要求停止, as stopping out of coursework may have implications for student status, 金融援助 eligibility, 运动员的资格, 或者程序进度.

在返回课程之前,学生可能需要重新申请他/她的课程. 连续两个学期未返回学校的学生必须重新向学校申请. 需要重新申请的学生将遵守当前学术目录下的课程要求和政策.

View student information

学生 may view details about their academic record on the CUAA门户. 他们可以查看非官方成绩单,并进行学位审核,以跟踪完成学位的进度. 学生 may, also, view their major, minor, class level, and advisor.